Bankroll and betting sistem

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Another two key factors in your way to be a successfull bettor are the bankroll and you betting sistem if you have one in order to improve your win rate when placing your bets. In the following rows we’ll try to explain with our words, not sophisticated ones, what those terms practically mean and how to use them in your benefit.

The bankroll

This is practically you budget with money from where you have funds to deposit in your betting account to make the bets. Now, about this bankroll is written a lot on the internet on how to use it by splitting it in 4 equal parts and how to use each part to reach a goal setted before this. So basicaly there are many ways to use this bankroll, but we sugest to you to try to combine allmost all benefits from bankroll strategies and to make your own to use when placing your smart betting tips.

Here is a shor version of how we use our bankroll in betting activity:

  1. We see betting as an investement in a profitable bussiness so we reserved an important bankroll to sustain our betting projects (based on a long period of betting we’ll have for the start a bankroll of 10000 units);
  2. Since we’ll place our bets based on some betting sistems we’ll alocate difffernt amounts of money from this bankroll to each project we start
  3. From the total amount of our bankroll we’ll keep a part as a reserve to fund the projects if they will run out of money;
  4. When starting a project we try to find a bookmaker that offers a 100% bonus to first deposit in order to doube our money in the betting account so we try in this way to double the bankroll that we have initial (in our case we can reach 20000 units using this method)

The betting sistem:

  1. Using this key factor in your betting activity will definetly improve you win rate and allso protect in some ways your bankroll
  2. In the world of betting is known that a betting sistem is an excellent choice, but you have to know how to use it in order not to get broke
  3. Get documented about the betting sistems you want to use and try to find theis weaknesses in order to avoid them
  4. Try to combine betting sistems and make your own with good parts from them

Hope the few words we wroete here get you the ideea what to do with bankroll and betting sistem in this vrey profitabile domain.

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